
Ideas for improved heat pipes

Insights found in patents on improving thermal transfer capacity of heat pipes in laptops

Finding Cross-Industry Solutions to the Pothole Problem

What we can learn from other industries to solve the challenge of potholes?

Google’s plan to perfect Google Maps

Latest patent shows how Google is planning to add missing information about places on Google Maps

Apple is developing next-generation computer fans

A recently published patent from Apple shows modifications to its laptop and desktop cooling fans that create lesser noise

What is innovative about Apple getting rid of computer ports?

Getting rid of features is also a kind of innovation – one that takes more than intelligence

Innovation Insights 2022

Some surprising insights we found while doing a fun activity exploring latest patent data published in 2022 so far

Can problem solving be fun?

How innovative thinkers look at problems differently?

How to make online product listings more attractive?

5 innovative ideas from patents describing how to make online product listings more attractive for customers

How to reduce the lag of a digital pen?

6 patents showing ways of reducing the lag of digital pens such as the Apple Pencil

How can video conferencing be done on slow connections?

How to design video conferencing systems for slow internet connections