Catalyst / E-commerce · May 23, 2022

How to educate customers about new products?

The following ideas were found by Catalyst – a tool that suggests solutions to technical problems by mining patent data.

(The answers were generated automatically, so please ignore any grammatical errors. It’s also possible some answers may not make complete sense.)

  1. One way that advertisers can educate their customers about new products is by hosting interactive seminars in which they try to sell these products to potential customers. The system described in the passage allows advertisers to offer potential customers financial rewards for their time, such as 25 cents per minute, to listen to a sales pitch. This system also provides a real-time communications link between the advertiser and customer, which enables customers to ask questions about the product. Finally, the system automatically bills the advertiser and rewards the customer for the time that they interact. (found in this patent)
  2. One way to educate customers about new products is to have the leaders of communities of practice disseminate evaluations of the innovation to the members in those communities. This will help ensure that the members have accurate information about the product and can make an informed decision about whether to adopt it. (found in this patent)
  3. One way to educate customers about new products is to provide information about the products through the personal shopping agent. The personal shopping agent can provide information about the product, such as the features and benefits of the product. The personal shopping agent can also provide information about the retailers or manufacturers that offer the product. (found in this patent)
  4. One way to educate customers about new products is to provide information about them on the company website. Another way to educate customers is to send out emails or letters to customers notifying them of the new products and providing information about them. (found in this patent)

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Fun fact: Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff (it's a real surname)
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