The following ideas were found by Catalyst – a tool that formulates possible solutions to technical problems by mining patent data.
(The answers were generated automatically, so please ignore any grammatical errors. It’s also possible some answers may not make complete sense.)
- Drones can be kept from colliding with people by providing them with instructions on how to avoid people. These instructions can include data that helps the drones to avoid obstacles, such as people.
- One way a drone can maintain safe distance from people is by using passive attachments that resemble insects or birds. This will help the drone to blend in with its surroundings and avoid being noticed. Additionally, the drone can fly at a height that is out of reach of most people.
- One way that drones can be kept from colliding with people is by using a central database application that stores information on zones where drones are and are not allowed to fly. This application can be used to keep drones from flying in areas where there are a lot of people.
- One way that drones can be kept from colliding with people is by using inflatable fuselages. This will help to cushion any impact in the event of a collision. Additionally, drones can be programmed to avoid obstacles in their path.
- One way that drones can be kept from colliding with people is by using a deployable sheet that is at least partially unfolded away from the body. This will help to create a larger space around the drone that people can safely move around.
- Drones can be kept from colliding with people by using a collision avoidance system that creates a virtual world model to represent the flight area and maps the physical space data with a physics engine. The automatic collision avoidance system then determines a predicted trajectory of the virtual UAV model within the virtual world model and determines whether the predicted trajectory will result in a collision of the virtual UAV model with the virtual world model. If a collision is predicted to occur, the automatic collision avoidance system will perform evasive actions by the UAV.
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P.S. Cover Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash