
Why do washing machines have a window?

Why do washing machines have a window?

Examples of cross-industry innovation: Kevlar

Developed to solve a narrow problem of tires, Kevlar’s journey into other industries made it a perfect example of cross-industry innovation.

Do you have an innovator personality?

Understand your personality to innovate better.

5-minute innovation: food delivery

I tried coming up with creative ideas for food delivery in 5 minutes.

UX at Hardware

How smart cars are solving this simple problem?

5 minute innovation: Smart notifications

I challenged myself to come up with an innovative idea in 5 minutes.

How to copy great ideas! LIVE EXAMPLE

If you observe everything around you, your exposure will sky rocket and Here is one example – https://share.vidyard.com/watch/UmugAHVJtvHv1kp613LtU2? If you want to expand your exposure and learn how you can...

How to be innovative

How many times have you struggled to solve a problem only to have come up with a solution that appears obvious after a quick glance? In a study published in Cognition,...

Leveraging incremental innovations

By embedding this philosophy of continuous innovation in their workforce, they effectively turned it into a problem-solving army.

Invisible product innovations are doomed

Why isn’t not enough for toothbrushes to just clean better?